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Download map apps

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I have been using Waze for about a month now I commute Just over 1000 miles a week. Create a way to narrow down the voice prompts! Why do the other Waze avatar icons around me never move? Speaking of Waze “people” icons, please come out with more options! But I would want to know if there’s a pothole ahead, an object in the road, or a police reported ahead. For example, I couldn’t care less about a car on the shoulder ahead, and it’s annoying to have my music interrupted by that stupid hazard alert.

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I wish there was a feature where you could customize which “hazards” to voice prompt. Also, I’m in the top 1%, but how do I know when I’m getting close to losing that prestige? How do I see if the population is catching up to me? Finally, the fact that it doesn’t tell you whether your destination is on the left or right is so irritating and basic that I’m shocked it’s not a feature. I know a certain route isn’t normally the fastest, but I also know my city’s traffic patterns and it won’t show it. Another issue is that it doesn’t show all routes. Sometimes my app won’t show my icon but shows the “shadow” of where it’s supposed to be. I looked at my screen and the low battery 20% alert was up!! All of my background apps were closed, and there was no reason for my battery to plummet that quickly. I was at 43%, opened Waze & drove for about 12 minutes, decided to add a stop. But we would not recommend relying solely on an iPhone for digital map coverage if you are extensively visiting National Parks.The battery drain when I use Waze is unreal. They provide useful information on the parks themselves. But certain apps by Chimani and REI are good when traveling in national parks. The battery life on the iphone is also terrible because it is constantly looking for a signal.

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And many of the downloaded maps are woefully inaccurate or outdated. Our experience with iPhone map apps in the national parks is that if the signal is spotty or non-existent, while the GPS still works, the accuracy of the maps are not very good. But we also always carry a paper map with us when traveling back country. For hiking, especially trails, a trail gps like a Garmin etrex would be the best choice because you can also load driving maps on those devices and they can pull double duty. For many of the National Parks, your best bet is to have a Garmin or other GPS based navigation system if you just want to use it for driving. We climb and hike many National Parks year round throughout the US, and in the National Parks system.

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